After seeing my wife realize her life-long dream of a BQ in 2021 with the help of John’s coaching, I wanted to see if this was achievable for myself. So, I contacted John and we began working together at the end of July of 2022. Together, we were able to take my limited running experience—a single 3:25 marathon in December 2021 at CIM—and turn it into a 2:58 in October 2022 at the Toronto Waterfront Marathon, with a 27-minute PR in just three months of training.
It was no easy feat, but John created a plan that kept me healthy, motivated and allowed me to reach both my A and B goals—my BQ of 3:05, but also sub-3. I have continued to train with John, and have had PRs in the 10K, 5K, and half. The Hounds are a wonderful team and I’m grateful to have made many friends while training with them. It’s amazing to be part of a group that motivates each other every day and to make an traditionally individual sport more collaborative and team-oriented. There is something special about achieving my own goals, and helping others get their own PRs. The Hounds inspire me to give my best every day, and I look forward to many more miles spent with them! Thank you, John!